What You Need To Know Before Scheduling An Appointment With A Gastro Doctor?

Doctor can make a difference when it comes to treatment. And in case you have been facing problems with your tummy for quite some time now, you must be searching out the best gastro doctor.It is very important to choose the Best Gastro Doctor In Lucknow in order to get better treatment. Here are some tips that will help you!

1-What do you want from your gastro doctor?

To choose the best gastro doctor for yourself, it is necessary to set clear objectives before visiting one.If you know what kind of disease you have, then you can easily find out the best gastro doctor for your condition. For example if you have an ulcer or gastritis or GERD, you'll need to see a gastroenterologist.

However, if colonoscopy is required for any reason, you should go to a general surgeon who has specialized in this field.I suggest you to see your general practitioner or family physician before going to a gastroenterologist. This will make it easier for the specialist to diagnose the problem and start treatment as soon as possible.

2-Is gastro doctor considered a primary care doctor?

As we mentioned above, seeing a gastroenterologist is not enough if you have digestive problems that may be a symptom of another disease.In this case, gastro doctor is not considered a primary care doctor. So you may need to also see a general practitioner or family physician in order to find out what's going on with your health condition and determine if there are other reasons behind your digestive problems.

3-Is it possible for you to be diagnosed by the gastro doctor only?

Only in some cases you can be diagnosed by your gastro doctor without any other tests.If he finds out what kind of problem you are suffering from, he will order some necessary tests that will confirm the diagnosis and later on determine which treatment is needed to recover. This is called 'the art of medicine'. Just because a doctor is good at what he does, it doesn't mean that he shouldn't order any tests.

4-What kind of tests your gastro doctor may order?

Depending on the diagnosis and the previous health problems, you'll need to do some specific tests in order to get a clear picture. In this case, there are some tests that will be recommended most often.Colonoscopy is the main diagnostic test for digestive problems that occur with bowel movements, abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation.

Ultrasound of the abdomen can give indications if there are any tumors in your stomach or intestinal walls. It may also depict gallstones and inflammation in the gallbladder or bile ducts.

Some diseases, such as diabetes, may show in the blood tests so your gastro doctor may order them if there are any symptoms indicating this disease.

5-Is it necessary to get a second opinion?

I know that you don't like the idea of getting a second opinion but it is very important to do it if your doctor doesn't seem to have a clear idea of treating you.For example, if he suggests an operation for your digestion problem and you are not completely sure about it, you should get a second opinion from another Best Gastro Doctor In Lucknow before taking the final decision.I suggest that at least one of them should be a gastroenterologist.

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