Who Is The Best Gastroenterologist Doctor In Lucknow?


When we discuss the human gastrointestinal tract, many people are tempted to reduce it to the stomach and intestines. In fact, the normal function and diseases of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon and rectum, pancreas, gallbladder, bile ducts, and liver are studied by gastroenterology. Gastro clinic private ltd has the Best Gastro Doctor In Lucknow.


In gastroenterology (GI)-associated disorders provide an expert in the management of complex diseases. The professional is commonly referred to as a gastro-doctor. If you are searching for the best gastro, Dr.Waliullah Siddiqui is felt happy to improve your health and medical intricacies. The gastro specialist has helped many people to get back to normal, removing all their health-related difficulties. 


Situation manage by Gastroenterologists

1- Celica disease

2-GERD (Heartburn, Acid Reflux)

3-Gallbladder disease

4-Inflammatory Bowel disease

5-Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS)

6-Cancer (Gastrointestinal, Liver, Pancreatic, Colorectal)


There are some commonly recurring signs and symptoms that could require a visit to the gastroenterologist, who will also identify and treat some of the various conditions associated with your symptoms. Here are six signs that you should consider booking an appointment with your gastroenterologist.


Dr. Waliullah Siddiqui, the acclaimed and Best Gastro Doctor In Lucknow, oversees prominent, successful liver and gallbladder therapies like cancer, small and large intestine gastrointestinal surgical issues, all of which are treated and healed by limited access surgery. Where a small telescope mounted on a video camera is passed through a small incision in the body cavity.


Gastro Surgeon's surgery helps remove the diseased portion of the body like a tumor or restore the damage caused by long-term illness. When done by skilled and trained surgeons, it proves to be a life-saving operation for the injured person. Dr. Waliullah Siddiqui is India's best surgical gastroenterologist HPB and liver transplant surgeon with numerous years of practice in performing such procedures for multiple patients of varying degrees of complexity.

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  1. Hey there, great info. I just heard about this great live hospital in Punjab called Girn Hospital. They provide the best treatments for liver diseases.


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